Nathan McNaull (NDAT) shares 10 things he's learned as an Architectural Technician at Chow:Hill.
Interior Designer, Alex Dunnigan reflects on a decade of design with Chow:Hill, shares some of her standout projects over the years, and reveals what she's looking forward to in the years ahead.
A new book, set for publication in 2025, shares stories of people, places, and companies who have been instrumental in shaping New Zealand’s health design landscape.
With almost two decades of South African architectural registration and seven years of New Zealand experience, Phil Rutkiewicz is well versed in Aotearoa's design landscape. Having recently achieved his New Zealand registration, Phil shares his interest in responsive and regenerative design.
He's the co-opted voice of some 700 architectural graduates and relevant affiliated members on the New Zealand Institute of Architects board. Harry Platt gives an insight into the industry he's chosen to design a career in!
Chris Thom has been recognised for his professional service to the architectural community in his appointment as Fellow of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects.
Darryl Carey, Registered Architect and Senior Principal at Chow:Hill, and Founder of the New Zealand Health Design Council, has been announced as a Fellow of Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects.
Arthur Joe, Principal, Registered Architect, and 30 year veteran of the design industry, shares his learnings as he celebrates a career spanning three decades at Chow:Hill.
Chow:Hill's Senior Interior Designer, Amy Land, shares career highlights, words of wisdom, and sources of inspiration upon her recent appointment to Associate.
Interior designer Amy Land challenges her own assumptions and comes out ahead.
Designing to meet corporate, commercial, and cultural identities takes care and consideration, and remains front of mind for Chow:Hill’s Interiors Team.
Anner Chong, a Registered Architect and Senior Principal here at Chow:Hill, has been announced as a Fellow of Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZ Institute of Architects.
They use space for strategic storytelling, blending style with functionality to create an environment reflective of a client’s narrative. Meet Chow:Hill’s Interiors Team.
As designers, any new project we embark on, any new environment we create, we do so by looking at it from all dimensions.
Chow:Hill Architectural Graduate, Devyani Sethi, was the 2020 winner of the A+W NZ Tātuhi/Sarah Treadwell Drawing Archive. Her drawing is on display for the first time.
Celebrating our people: Jaune-Marie van der Merwe shares her design influence and inspiration upon achieving registration from Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA).
Chow:Hill architects Arthur Joe and Sam Thomas enjoy the challenges of their profession.
Reflecting on the past two decades, Neil Kaiser credits his longevity at Chow:Hill to people, opportunities and a passion to create.
Chow:Hill is pleased to announce the appointment of Phillip Kempster to Principal.
Excellence in leadership and innovation in the Waikato property industry recognised by Property Council.
Chow:Hill is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Thomas to the position of Associate.
Time to get out the champagne and celebrate 25 years of Chow:Hill Architects!
Nine of Chow:Hill's Architectural Graduates are working towards professional registration with the New Zealand Registered Architects Board in 2017-2018.
On Friday, 31 March 2017, Chow:Hill announced three new Senior appointments.
Chow:Hill is delighted to celebrate with Sam Thomas and Meagan Wrinch from our Hamilton Studio their achievement in successfully becoming NZRAB Registered Architects.
In February, Chow:Hill Director Stuart Mackie, was lucky enough to win second prize in the recent Art in a Day competition, which was all about capturing the essence of Parnell, Newmarket and Grafton.
Te Ari Prendergast, a Graduate Architect at Chow:Hill's Auckland studio, recently presented a unique project at the AASA Conference in Christchurch
As designers, we are naturally curious, inspired by fresh posibilities, and the innovative ways we can turn our clients' vision into reality.