Q&A with Harry Platt, NZIA Emerge Co-opted Director


Harry Platt

Q&A with Harry Platt, NZIA Emerge Co-opted Director


Published On

August 7, 2024


Our People


Harry Platt

He's the co-opted voice of some 700 architectural graduates and relevant affiliated members on the New Zealand Institute of Architects board. Harry Platt gives an insight into the industry he's chosen to design a career in!
Why did you choose architecture as a profession?

Aha! This old chestnut. Isn't it funny how pretty much every other decision we make as teenagers is looked back upon with pinches of salt and caveated with an acknowledgement of the yet to be fully formed pre-frontal cortex? Yet here we are reflecting on one of the most significant decisions I have ever made in my life. Boring answer, I had an artistic bent and wasn't completely terrible at maths. I hope careers advisors have been told to perhaps look for a wider suite of abilities to funnel into our architecture schools.

What excites you about New Zealand’s design industry?

I think we are on the precipice of significant change in Aotearoa in regard to how we live. Despite some forces trying to drag us back toward bygone eras, I think floodwaters have burst on our townhouse and apartment revolution (particularly in Auckland) and there are some spectacular examples (also some rubbish too) of medium density housing being built around the motu, which is exciting to see, not just as a building designer but as someone who will probably end up living in something of the sorts! Now, if we could just dismantle all those inner-city villas...

What do you see as some of the greatest changes/influences ahead of us in this industry?

Everyone is banging the drum about AI at the moment, but it's probably a bit overblown. Those tech-sector people get on the hype train too quickly (they are trying to sell their product after all), but that's not to say that there needs to be really critical thought undertaken about its potential uses and effects. That aside, I think we all know that the planet's continued propensity to get hotter as a result of our misguided habit of burning dinosaur bones is what's going to be the pivotal influence in the decisions we make in our work. That and figuring out how to provide top-notch housing and community for all.

What is the role of NZIA Emerge and, in particular, what part are you playing as a result of your appointment?

Emerge is a community and sub-organisation of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects for graduates and emerging professionals in the industry, that is run by volunteer graduate members. Under the current constitution, the Institute's Council (read Board of Directors) may co-opt three directors to the Board, and so for the last few years they have co-opted a representative from the Emerge cohort. For the next wee while that's me! Essentially, I am the voice of some 700ish Graduate and relevant Affiliated members on the Institute's board.

What do you want to have achieved during your tenure?

I think it's fair to say that a lot of graduates don't really know what the Institute does, how it works and what it can do for them, beyond providing some CPD points and handing out some glitzy awards. Vice versa, I don't think the Institute really has a grasp on the experiences and thoughts or feelings that graduates have about their profession. So, I really want to be able to make some meaningful progress in terms of engaging and connecting with the people I am supposed to be representing and being able to advocate for their interests. You can probably tell by now that I think we need to significantly change how we do things in our industry, and those changes are going to both be implemented by and effect the Institute's emerging professionals more than anyone else. It would be good to be able to grow the membership too. I suspect there are plenty more architectural graduates out there than that of currently subscribed members.

Who’s your greatest inspiration?

I mean it's always changing, but for the sake of the argument... Brian Eno.

What’s your favourite design medium?

It depends! If I can see the idea in my head already I'll probably head straight into the digital realm, but if I need to simmer on it and experiment a bit then it will be pen and paper.

Are you a movie buff or a Netflix series binge watcher?

Oooh, I'm probably more of an infrequent binger of television.

Who or what is your alter ego?

I'm going to make myself wince here and indulge in self promotion of what I got up to in my 20's.

What’s your ideal Sunday morning?

Coffee with either my acoustic guitar or a vinyl record.

Q&A with Harry Platt, NZIA Emerge Co-opted Director
Harry Platt

August 7, 2024

Q&A with Harry Platt, NZIA Emerge Co-opted Director
Harry Platt

August 7, 2024

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