Jane Hill recently wrote a thought-provoking reflection on the challenges of Learning Environment design.
Published on Architecture Now and in the latest edition of Architecture NZ, Jane Hill recently wrote a thought-provoking reflection on the challenges of Learning Environment design with regard to the impact of disruptive technologies and catering to the new generation of students/emerging workforce.
"Changes in society and the job market are forcing tertiary education providers to reassess the way they provide education. Jane Hill from Chow:Hill Architects and Te Ari Prendergast from TOA Architects investigate how architects can equip today's learners for an ongoing climate of change.
A friend recently asked which tertiary organisations I might recommend for their child who was approaching the end of high school and trying to figure out 'what to do next'. Reflecting on my answer, I realised that this question is now more challenging for today's learners than ever before.
If you would like to find out more about the contents of the article, please contact Jane Hill. Jane, a Chow:Hill Director and Registered Architect, has a keen professional and personal interest in designing dynamic, sustainable and student-centric learning environments across New Zealand.

Jane Hill
September 13, 2017